Tuesday 25 October 2016

Upcoming Projects

I am basically going to type up posts on this blog whenever I feel like it. I have no specific schedule for entries, and if I feel like writing about something I will.  Today I have a couple of ideas for posts I wanted to go with.

This one is all about my upcoming projects.  Rather than only gibber about them, as well here is pictures of all the models I have bought and have either received or should have in the next few weeks!

First cab off the rank... Atlantis Miniatures.  I try to follow as many miniature companies as I can on Facebook and Twitter and everywhere I can. Some of them have started through Kickstarter, and that is how I stumbled upon Atlantis.  Most models out in the miniature industry have the slightly exaggerated, GWesque "heroic" scale for their miniatures, whereas these ones to me focus slightly more on realism.  The poses are dynamic, but believable, with very lifelike texturing and shapes.

I picked a bunch of them that I liked. Will let you know how I enjoy painting them once I get started.

Next manufacturer I have purchased from is Aradia Miniatures. FYI this isn't alphabetical.  I have just been on the site and I now have mad ragret because I only ordered one model, as a couple of the others were sold out at the time.  

This is the guy I got, I loved the dynamism of the sculpt, and the musculature on his torso. 

These two were sold out and now they arent and I want them... :(

The next manufacturer is one that will be common to most wargamers, Avatars of War.  They've been around a very long time, back since my days of Warhammer!  I was chatting about the good old days of Warhammer with my OzMachine crew and we all got super excited about Fantasy models.  Eventually it ended up with me ordering a pile of Avatars of War to put together a small "unit" to paint. A few of the ones I ordered are here:

One of my favourite manufacturers since I've been more heavily involved in the painting side of things is Nocturna Models.  They have got extremely high quality casts and I really enjoy the detailing and subjects of their sculpts.   I've already painted two of their models, the Priest, and the Crusader, and I added another one to my collection:

This is Luz, one of their Malefic range, based on artwork done by Luis and Romulo Royo. Intense, dark artwork, with sculpts that are really unique. I am looking forward to getting my teeth into this one.  I am going to try and paint something that has more colour and pops, but is still that same sort of dirty and dark style.

Next up is a fantastic range of miniatures that is really setting the world alight... the Black Sailors by Big Child Creatives.  Look, I'll be honest. It was a personal challenge for me not to simply buy every single model in this range. I love Orcs, I love pirates, and I even love Undead and there is an Undead Orc Pirate captain... fucking awesome.  But I held some self control, there is plenty of time for me to buy the complete range!  So I chose one, probably their most iconic and widely recognized piece, Papa Jambo, the Mighty Shaman bust:
Another favourite of mine is Scale75, a Spanish company that has some of the best resin sculpts I've seen.  I already painted one of their busts, Jessica Thunder, it is probably my best piece of work so far.  I ordered a number of new models of theirs to paint, here they are:

I also stumbled across a site called El Greco Miniatures, a UK company that collects models from a number of manufacturers and on sells them.  I trawled through their pages and found the following models that I liked:

I had this idea that I would buy all the Game of Thrones busts and paint them all up. I am sure many people had the same idea.  

I just really like this dudes textures, and I want to paint more busts.

Utterly jaw dropping model from Draconia, a range from Ares Mythologic.

So that is my next few months, all set up for great models to paint!  If you have any suggestions for cool models I could buy, feel free to let me know.  Usual spots, Twitter, comment here.

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