Tuesday 25 October 2016

Kraken, Part 1: Steamcon Painting Competition Entry

As regular followers of mine on Twitter would know I recently won the Australian Nationals in Guild Ball and as a result I won a free trip over to the UK to attend Steamcon, the first event run by Steamforged Games showcasing their products and staff.  I am very blessed to have this opportunity, and I have decided to make the most of it.  I've been on a number of international trips recently, and as I am soon to be married, I have no plans to travel to Europe again without my partner.  And since I have gotten involved more seriously in competition painting this year I decided to try and add in something I would not be able to do in Australia: a painting class with the guys from Massive Voodoo.

I knew it was short notice but thanks to the assistance of Roman and Raffa from MV, and the guys from Steamforged being very flexible with their flights, I have been able to arrange it!  I cannot express just how excited I am to be able to experience a private class in the Massive Voodoo studio, and learn from these extremely talented guys. I fly into Munich, travel to the beautiful city of Augsburg and spend two days painting and hopefully absorbing as much as I can,

After that I travel over to London to play the World Champs, and I figured since I am going all that way I might as well enter something into the Steamforged Master Painter Competition!

Here is the first few WIP shots of the entry.  The model is meant to be throwing a harpoon out from a cliff face, into the ocean.  I used a lot of rocks from the garden out the front of my house that have really nice shapes, I put them together kind of a like a puzzle, then filled in the gaps with a bit of milliput.  Added some textured paint, and some bits and pieces that I had lying around.  I added the tree, although I am not sure if that will make the final cut.

The base was sprayed black, and I then used several different layers of paint with the airbrush.  Cryx Bane Base, Vallejo Neutral Grey, Light Sea Grey and Deck Tan.  I used several different washes with both Scale75 paints heavily watered down (really great use for them, the ultra matt finish comes out perfect for the shadows), normal washes.  I highlighted up a little more, then pulled out some pigments and worked some green and brown into the rocks.

I sealed with Dullcote, and then added various flocks and stuff to the base.  I still have the various little objects left to paint, skulls, bucket, bottle and then I will put the base aside to start working on the Kraken.

Thanks for reading!  I'll be more interesting in future probably. Maybe not.

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